Bronkhorst Safaris | South Africa

The Name to Remember…

General Info

1. What is the suggested airlines to use and how do I book my flights?

Your easiest way to travel to South Africa (O.R. Thambo International) and back, is with United Airlines from Newark and/or Delta Airways from Atlanta. PBS use the services of Jennifer Ginn from Travel Express. Her email is and her phone number is 1 800 808 4868.

2. Will it be safe for me and my family to travel to RSA?

South Africa is a very safe destination. Problems does occur in certain localities like in any other country or city. We never travel through those areas. Our clients are our investment and therefore we will ensure their safety at all times. On your arrival a uniformed PBS guide will be there to welcome you at the airport and take care of your safety until the day you depart again from the airport. We suggest that you rather use your credit card or travelers cheques, rather then carrying a large amount of cash with you. While hunting, your Professional Hunters will see to it that you don’t get into any doubtful situations on your safari.

3. What will the requirements be to enter RSA with my own rifle?

Required Documents:

  • CUSTOMS FORM 4457 – Exportation of Rifles
  • SAPS FORM 520 – Importation of Rifles, we also offer a prepaid service on this.
  • Letter of Invitation from the Outfitter – This letter will be valid once the Safari has been booked officially
  • PASSPORT – check your passport expiry dates
  • RETURN FLIGHT TICKETS to your country of origin, or a copy of your itinerary

You will need to go to a US Customs Office to receive a CUSTOMS FORM DA 4457. To be completed by the hunter BEFORE going on the trip – not on the day of departure. Customs Service has offices at any large international airport.

Please ensure that your gun is packed in a crash resistant plastic or metal case that locks. To ensure 100% compliance, confirm with your airline for their policies on guns and ammunition.


After arrival in South Africa, you will repossess your rifle at the South African Police Service, Firearm Control Office. By registering your firearm with a SAPS FORM 520. This will allow you with a temporary import permit. Keep this permit in a safe place. The hunter must NOT sign this document at home, but rather in the presence of a police officer at the arrival airport. In order to guarantee a hassle free trip with regards to any type of travel documentation, please feel free to contact us.


Please insure that your passport(s) is valid. It must be valid for at least up to 6 months after date of return to your country. NB! – YOUR PASSPORT MUST HAVE AT LEAST 2 BLANK PAGES FOR YOUR VISA STAMPS. It is required that you to have a front and back page blank that is titled Visa. For your own safety, please make a copy of your passport and keep it separately from your passport.Citizens from the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Spain do not require a Visa.

4. What are the Firearms & Ammunition requirements?

Recommended Guns & Calibers and Sighting in

A rifle in the .30 caliber range is recommended to cover a wide range of game Hunting. However, for the Dangerous 7 a minimum .375 is recommended, which is also a great all-round hunting rifle if you don’t want to carry more than one rifle on safari. A .270 to a 300WM should be good for large antelope and for small antelope a .222 to a .243 are recommended. Please bring between 40 – 60 rounds of ammunition per rifle. All rifles must be sighted in on arrival to ensure accuracy, since lost or wounded animals are to the account of the hunter. We can offer a company rifle where required. A large selection of rifles are available to rent.

Importation of Guns


By law a maximum of 2 rifles are allowed per person (not 2 of the same caliber). Pistols and revolvers must be specified for hunting.



A maximum of 200 rounds are allowed to bring into South-Africa, although airlines restrict how much you may carry by weight. Most .30 caliber bullets are easily available in SA.

Required Documentation for Shipping and Receiving your rifles and ammo:

Refer previous Question (3)

5. Do you offer Bow Hunting Safaris?

We have specialized hunting areas, dedicated for Bow Hunters only, as well as blinds / Hides in other concessions suitable for Bow Hunting. For Dangerous game, the regulations require a minimum draw weight of 80 lbs. For optimal penetration you would need a fixed, heavy, cut on impact, two blade broad head. Total arrow weight should be in the range of 750-900 grain. Bows are currently not regulated by South African customs. A sturdy carry case is important for safety reasons during transportation. We prefer you not using any mechanical tips.

6. What are the Shot Placement requirements for African Game? 

Shot placement is critical in order to ensure an instant kill. It is important to have a good knowledge of the animals vital organs and their positioning. The heart is the preferred spot and is set low and somewhat forward in the chest cavity. Any other spot on the animal aimed at, is very risky, unless there is no other option due to circumstances. African animals are very tough and if not hit perfectly on the right spot, the hunter might end up losing his trophy.

The vital spot on most African game, is vertically in line with the back of the front leg to the shoulder and crossing with the horizontal line, approximately one quarter up the line of the belly/chest. Get as close as possible to the animal, to ensure a larger target, for accuracy and penetration.

Compensation needs to be made if the animal might be quartering towards or away from the hunter. Guidance will always be given by the Professional Hunter in this regard.

Patient maneuvering is important to allow for the best broadside or frontal image of the animal. Immediate reloading is very important after the first shot, to ensure a follow up shot, should the animal try to escape.

Buffalo, Elephant and Rhino – Warning

A side or frontal brain shot may be considered – only if the position of the brain is well known to the hunter. The first shot placement is very important and a second follow-up shot is advised, should the animal appears to get away or charge. Using hard-nosed bullets is preferred in order to penetrate these thick-skinned animals. With the exception of the elephant and hippo head or neck shots are not recommended.

Important tips to ensure a clean kill.

– Aim directly at the target spot.
– Check for obstructions in your line of fire.
– Ensure that your rifle or bow have been properly sighted in.
– Always check for other animals hidden behind your target.
– Always listens and taking the advice of your Professional Hunter.

7. What is there to do for the wife’s/non-hunters?

Several side trips can be arranged, either day trips or 2-3 day trips.

For example:

– Local town
– Elephant back rides
– African day spa is at hand right at basecamp
– Sun City & Pilansberg
– Kruger National Park
– White Lion Project
– Diamond Mines
– Traditional Curio Shopping
– Horse Riding
– Sundowner cruises on the Palala River
– Any Photographic tour can be made up.

8. How will my trophies be prepared and exported?

Dipping and shipping is arranged by your safari outfitter on the last day of your safari. Taxidermy services can be conducted in South Africa or in your country. An export permit will be arranged by us and the trophies will be collected by our local dip & ship company. You will be notified to pay the exporting company, once the order is ready to be shipped. Once the order arrives in your country, you will be informed by them for receipt of the goods after you have paid their fees.

 9. Can I drink the local tap water? 

It is recommended to drink bottled water throughout your hunting trip, which will be supplied by us.

10. What is the best time of the year? 

The recommended time of the year to plan your safari, is from April to October. April is the end of summer when the vegetation is still thick and the temperatures are still fairly high. The cooler months are May to August with moderate temperatures. Early mornings/evenings is /- 40F and daytime /- 70F. For bow hunting we recommend late season – from June towards September, the drier part of the season.

11. What clothing / equipment should I bring?

– Clothing for 2-3 days – Laundry is being done daily
– Shirts & Pants – short or long (no restrictions on camo)
– Camera & Batteries
– Binoculars
– Small Backpack for equipment
– Allergy Medicines or any other medical prescriptions by your doctor
– Sunglasses
– Sunscreen
– Flashlight and Batteries
– Toiletries
– Warm Jacket and Gloves
– Comfortable Footwear
– Power convertor – note recommendations on Q 18

12. Is it necessary to take precautions for MALARIA? 

Limpopo province is a Malaria free area. However, if you plan to visit other areas outside of the Limpopo, it is advised to get a prescription from your local doctor. We do have very good Doctors in the area as well, should one require their service. It is advised to take out medical insurance before departure on an African safari.

13. What is the currency in South Africa? 

South African Rand – “R”. Visit to check the real time currency rates. Before travelling – please ensure with that your ATM card will be accepted in South Africa. The majority businesses accept Visa, Master Card and American Express. Carry your passport with you, when you plan to use your credit card.

14. How do I pay for my safari? 

A deposit of 50% of the daily rate is required to confirm your booking. Deposits can be paid via wire transfer. You will need the swift code, account number and branch code to do this transaction. Please note that as this deposit is non-refundable, it is recommended that you purchase trip cancellation insurance. The balance of the daily rate and trophy fees will be settled after the hunt. Only cash, travellers cheques or credit cards are accepted, bearing in mind that a small transaction fee will be applicable. It’s important to inform your bank about your planned foreign country safari, in order to prepare for transactions. No cheques whatsoever will be accepted. You can also arrange an wire transfer on day of departure. No client will leave camp without account been settled in full.

15. May I leave a tip for the PH/staff? 

Tips and gratitude’s are not compulsory, however, it is a means of saying “thank you”. There are two areas where tips are being presented. One is for the camp staff and the other one for the Professional Hunter, for which it is totally a free will decision. The tips and gratitude’s for the camp staff (cleaners, chef and trackers) must be discussed with the Camp owner first, as the lump sum being paid for the staff, will be divided amongst the workers. Tips to individual staff members may be allowed, if the client has a reason to do so, but only after the Safari.

16. Will I have contact with my family back home? 

You may use your US cell phone in South Africa, as long as the international call feature is turned on. You are also welcome to use our local landline – at a fee. Wireless Internet is also available most of the time for use with your laptop or notebook

17. What is the time difference between the US and RSA? 

During summer in the US, South Africa is:

6 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time,

7 hours ahead of Central Daylight Time,

8 hours ahead of Mountain Daylight Time and

9 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time.

18. What is the electrical power current in South Africa?

Our electricity current is 220/240 V AC. Since the USA appliances requires 110 V AC current, we recommend the following solutions :

If yourequipment (camera, hairdryer, laptop, etc.) require 110 V only, you must bring your own step-downPower convertoralong (220 to 110 V). It`s available from your local electricity store.

If your equipment is capable to handle both currents (110 – 220 V), then you don`t need to be concerned. We do have the necessary adaptors available in camp, to convert form theUSA patent to ours.

The usage current information, appears on the backside of all electrical appliances.

Video your Safari

Africa Safaris is not merely the hunting of trophies with a bow or rifle. It is experiencing the vast wilderness of Africa, breathing its atmosphere, living it and collecting a lifetime of memories.

A picture can speak a thousand words, but it is the memories behind it that tells the story. Sitting around the campfire under the African sky after a hard day of hunting, discussing the days exciting events are some of the memories that you will take with you when last you part with our continent.

Memories you can share with friends and family. What if you could relive those memories taking home the excitement of the hunt. Phillip Bronkhorst Safaris has a full time videographer that will accompany you on your African safari, documenting your every step. The professional well trained and experienced cameraman, with not only a passion for hunting, but a passion for creating live memories, will ensure an exciting and memorable hunting DVD, allowing you to relive your African memories with friends and family.

For more information please email us at or